What could you do with 20 or more new customers each and every month?
We help businesses acquire new customers by using creative online marketing strategies.
Because you can’t take likes and clicks to the bank!
We guarantee it! We will get you real, live, hot, ready-to-buy prospects calling you every day.
What do we do?

& more...
Small Business Rescue Center
What could you do with 20 or more new customers every month?
We help local service businesses like yours acquire new customers by using creative online marketing strategies because you can’t take likes and clicks to the bank! We guarantee it! We will get you real, live, hot, ready-to-buy prospects calling you every day.
If your website has reasonable incoming search traffic, then you probably already did a bit of Search Engine Optimization or expensive advertising to earn that traffic. That’s great!!
We help local service businesses like yours acquire new customers by using creative online marketing strategies because you can’t take likes and clicks to the bank! We guarantee it! We will get you real, live, hot, ready-to-buy prospects calling you every day.
If your website has reasonable incoming search traffic, then you probably already did a bit of Search Engine Optimization or expensive advertising to earn that traffic. That’s great!!

Web traffic converting into sales calls?
If your traffic isn’t converting into sales calls, then you need to improve your Reputation Marketing on your website to the visitors that arrive at your website. We have a solution that will convert visitors at a rate of at least 240% more than a website without PopUp Reviews -https://smallbusinessrescuecenter.com/popup-reviews.
If you would like to read more about what it takes to manage your Reputation properly, then download this ebook, read it and share it with everyone responsible for your online reputation - https://localleadsexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/5-star-guide.pdf
If you would like to read more about what it takes to manage your Reputation properly, then download this ebook, read it and share it with everyone responsible for your online reputation - https://localleadsexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/5-star-guide.pdf

Business Reputation Management
We can manage all of this for you, or you can manage it yourself with our centralized reputation management system that brings everything into one centralized login. It allows you to track and manage all Reputation Reviews from Google’s Business Profile, Yellow Pages, TrustPilot, Facebook, Linkedin and others.
Doing that allows you to respond to those reviews immediately after they are posted without having to look for them.
Responding to those reviews allows you to manage your reputation by positively responding to all reviews, showing that you care about and are willing to correct any potential issues with your service or product positively.
Doing that allows you to respond to those reviews immediately after they are posted without having to look for them.
Responding to those reviews allows you to manage your reputation by positively responding to all reviews, showing that you care about and are willing to correct any potential issues with your service or product positively.
This same system will educate your employees about the importance of positive customer service and give them the tools to better represent your company and your services or products. It also lets you automatically test and track their perception of the value of positive customer action.
If you need to increase your perceived reputation, we have several marketing services that will positively increase your profile on Google’s Business Profile, YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Pinterest. You don’t need to do all of them - just the ones that are relevant to your market.

Do You Need To Advertise?
If you need to advertise to reach more clients, we can provide ten times the exposure for every visitor who visits your website, reinforcing the message that you are the trusted source for whatever they need from you. You can do this at 10% of the cost of what Google charges per AdWords click.
We don’t charge for the clicks - we deliver the visits based on the message in the advertising that we can provide on all relevant major news sites in your area that will display your advertising message in Banners with links back to your website and phone number.
We don’t charge for the clicks - we deliver the visits based on the message in the advertising that we can provide on all relevant major news sites in your area that will display your advertising message in Banners with links back to your website and phone number.
Imagine your ads showing up on ESPN, MSN, CNN, FOX, CBS, CTV, GLOBAL, CBC and your local news sites as if you advertised all over the country, but we'll only show them in your specific trade area.
We'll show them only to previous visitors to your website and show them up to three months later until each visitor has seen your ad at least ten times.
That kind of exposure will positively change everything for your business at a price you can afford.
Many of our clients get so busy that they ask us to hold off while catching up on the new business orders before continuing their campaign. Would you like that challenge?

What's Your Call-To-Action?
You probably already have a great website because you know how important it is to have your best look out there on the web as your online front door to your business service or products.
A great website can do that for you, but it won’t do you any good if it doesn’t prompt a real live “Call To Action’ that results in a phone call or a visit to your business location.
Regarding service, People do business with People - not websites. If you can prompt them to call you or show up at your location, you already have more than 80% of the sale done for you. It’s that first 20% that most websites and advertising fail to get you to - the relationship between your prospect and you that starts with a conversation. Most of that failure to communicate is because your current advertising or website fails to reflect your Reputation as the one to trust with their money.
We have fantastic tools that can be added to your website to highlight your reputation and offer and prompt visitors to take action and call immediately instead of leaving for another website.
A great website can do that for you, but it won’t do you any good if it doesn’t prompt a real live “Call To Action’ that results in a phone call or a visit to your business location.
Regarding service, People do business with People - not websites. If you can prompt them to call you or show up at your location, you already have more than 80% of the sale done for you. It’s that first 20% that most websites and advertising fail to get you to - the relationship between your prospect and you that starts with a conversation. Most of that failure to communicate is because your current advertising or website fails to reflect your Reputation as the one to trust with their money.
We have fantastic tools that can be added to your website to highlight your reputation and offer and prompt visitors to take action and call immediately instead of leaving for another website.
These tools are so easy to implement that we can add a few lines of our code to your existing website without changing any of your website pages.
You can see them in action on our website, where you’ll be prompted to take action in a very nice, persuasive way in the lower left and right corners of your web browser window or a pop-up ad that can be set to show up when they go to leave your website.
These services provide you with full reports showing how many times they prompted action by your visiting prospects.

If You Need A Better Website ...
If you need a better website that can compete with the big guys out there, we probably have a great website in our portfolio that we can use to optimize that first impression of your service or products to the public. Check out some of our Premium websites here -https://localleadsexpress.com/our-services/website-design/premium-portfolio/
If you don’t see your business niche there, then check out our other website legacy and custom design options that might have what you’re looking for at lower prices.
If you decide on one of our website designs for your business, we will guarantee that you will exclusively use that design within 50 miles of your business location.
No competitor relative to your local business will compete with you by using our web designs within your local business location radius. In reality, you probably won’t see that same design within 100’s of miles radius because most businesses already have a website design they’ll stick with despite our offer.
If you don’t see your business niche there, then check out our other website legacy and custom design options that might have what you’re looking for at lower prices.
If you decide on one of our website designs for your business, we will guarantee that you will exclusively use that design within 50 miles of your business location.
No competitor relative to your local business will compete with you by using our web designs within your local business location radius. In reality, you probably won’t see that same design within 100’s of miles radius because most businesses already have a website design they’ll stick with despite our offer.

What do we do?
Wide range of quality services
Only pay for live pre-qualified leads that called you.
If you need a sales funnel - well build one that sells for you.
No wasted time, just real leads that you can close yourself.
We will show you the path to solid sales success.
Together we can do more! Contact us
Solutions for your business rewarded by first-class tactics

Exclusive Live Leads
We only provide our service to one business in your niche in your area. You won't be competing with anyone else with our live call leads.

Blue Ocean Marketing
Generally, online advertising is a sea of red-bleeding businesses clawing each other's backs, trying to get to the top of the crowded space.

Award Winning Solutions
We focus on your key client characteristics and ensure only real-live prospects needing your actual services will be calling you.
We'd Love To Talk To You About How We Can Drive Real, Live, Hot, Ready To Buy Prospects Calling You Every Day For Your Service Based Business
Each and Every Month.
Because you can’t take likes and clicks to the bank!
3689 Yorkton Road
West Kelowna, BC V4T 2T7
West Kelowna, BC V4T 2T7